Voter Fraud Conspiracies

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Right after November 3rd presidential election, President Donald Trump announced his victory over Vice President Joe Biden even though the election hasn’t been called either by the media or the election officials in each state. After days of counting ballots by the state of Michigan, commonwealth of Pennsylvania, state of Wisconsin, state of Georgia, state of Arizona, and state of Nevada, all the states presented their result and confirmed the victory of Joseph R. Biden of the state of Delaware and Kamala D. Harris of the state of California with 306 electoral college ballots. Vice President Biden and Senator Harris won over 270 electoral college votes necessary for the victory, with Donald J. Trump from the state of Florida and Mike Pence from the state of Indiana taking home 232 electoral college ballots. However, even after the victory, Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists have been denying the result of the election by stating numerous voter fraud conspiracies. There conspiracy theorists have also been stating that December 20th will change the result, that January 6th will somehow change the result to President Trump’s lead, and that January 20th will result in the inauguration of President Trump rather than the President-Elect Biden. Couple of those voter fraud conspiracies are related to Dominion Voting System, dead people voting, President Trump’s votes being dumped, Republican poll watcher not being able to monitor the counting of the ballots, and mail-in ballots having mismatched signatures. These conspiracies have been all debunked, however conspiracy theorists are determined that there were mass voter frauds and that President Trump is still their president. These conspiracies have been also perpetuated by the President Trump himself, his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, and his team. Former New York City Mayor Rudolph William Louis Giuliani has claimed voter fraud in public and on media all while he claimed that these voter fraud lawsuits are not about voter fraud and Democrats stealing the election. As Pennsylvania Federal Judge asked Rudy Giuliani whether this case was on widespread voter fraud or not, Rudy Giuliani responded to the judge, “This is not a fraud case.” In another lawsuit in Pennsylvania Montgomery County, another Trump lawyer Jonathan S. Goldstein responded to the judge who asked whether he is alleging fraud in which Goldstein responded, “Your honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step,” and continued, “And it is rare that I call somebody a liar, and I am not calling the Board of the [Democratic National Committee] or anybody else involved in this a liar. Everybody is coming to this with good faith.” Out of 62 lawsuits filed either by the GOP or Trump’s personal attorneys, they won a single case in Pennsylvania and lost 61 cases. This alone should signify that there was no nationwide voter fraud or any stealing by the Biden Harris campaign or the Democratic National Committee, however conspiracy theorists still continue to blame President-Election Joe Biden and the DNC of their “fraud.” As a result of these mindless conspiracies, the integrity of the American election has been diminished with 38% of Americans lacking confidence in the fairness of the 2020 presidential election according to the survey conducted by the Northeastern University, Harvard University/Harvard Medical School, Rutgers University, and Northwestern University.

Published by Jungen Ono

In a world full of political biases and outright lies, finding the truth and objectivities must be our focus for a more bipartisanship in our daily lives. "The Truth Lights The Darkness" Jungen Ono

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